
Sheet of Studies

Rembrandt - Sheet of Studies

Sheet of Studies
c. 1632
209 x 137 mm
Pen and bistre
Formerly Sir Henry Oppenheimer, London

Related works


Rembrandt - Study of a Girl Sleeping
Study of a Girl Sleeping
c. 1632


Catalogues raisonnés
Benesch 194 recto
Schatborn D263

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt A Canal between Bushes
A Canal between Bushes

Rembrandt The Calvary
The Calvary
c. 1653

Rembrandt Angel Appearing to an Old Man
Angel Appearing to an Old Man
c. 1644-45

Rembrandt Interior with a Slaughtered Ox
Interior with a Slaughtered Ox
c. 1655

Rembrandt The Rijnpoort at Rhenen
The Rijnpoort at Rhenen
c. 1652-53