Anthonie van Borssom

A group of trees near a fence, a house in the distance

Anthonie van Borssom - A group of trees near a fence, a house in the distance

Anthonie van Borssom
A group of trees near a fence, a house in the distance
222 x 350 mm
Pen and brown ink
Institut Néerlandais, Frits Lugt Collection, Paris


Catalogues raisonnés
Sumowski, Drawings of the Rembrandt School, 308

Collection catalogues
Peter Schatborn, Rembrandt and his circle, Bussum, 2010, nr. 36

Other works by Anthonie van Borssom

Anthonie van Borssom A barn and a large tree beside a road
A barn and a large tree beside a road

Anthonie van Borssom A farmhouse, a shed, a dovecote and other buildings in the background
A farmhouse, a shed, a dovecote and other buildings in the background

Anthonie van Borssom Two cranes near the water's edge
Two cranes near the water's edge

Anthonie van Borssom Broad River Land­scape with Boats
Broad River Land­scape with Boats
c. 1650

Anthonie van Borssom Young Man Sitting
Young Man Sitting