Gerard ter Borch

A Lady dressing her Hair

Gerard ter Borch - A Lady dressing her Hair

Gerard ter Borch
A Lady dressing her Hair
36.6 x 28 cm
Oil on oak panel
Wallace Collection, London


Catalogues raisonnés
HdG 48
Gudlaugsson 127

Collection catalogues
Stephen Duffy and Jo Hedley, The Wallace Collection's Pictures, London, 2004, p. 34

Adriaan E. Waiboer, with Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr and Blaise Ducos, Vermeer and the masters of genre painting, Dublin, Washington, Paris, New Haven and London, 2017, fig. 73

Other works by Gerard ter Borch

Gerard ter Borch Portrait of a woman aged 30
Portrait of a woman aged 30

Gerard ter Borch Portrait of a Man
Portrait of a Man
c. 1640

Gerard ter Borch The Reading Lesson
The Reading Lesson
c. 1652

Gerard ter Borch Catrina van Luenink
Catrina van Luenink

Gerard ter Borch A horse stable
A horse stable
c. 1654