Philips Wouwerman - Gypsy Camp

Philips Wouwerman
Gypsy Camp
35.5 x 41.1 cm
Oil on wood
Staatliches Museum, Schwerin


Collection catalogues
Gero Seelig, Die holländische Genremalerei in Schwerin, Petersberg, 2010, pp. 244-245

Other works by Philips Wouwerman

Philips Wouwermans Halt at a Farrier's
Halt at a Farrier's
c. 1665/68

Philips Wouwerman Horse by a river bank
Horse by a river bank

Philips Wouwerman The Untamed Horse
The Untamed Horse

Philips Wouwerman Battle between Horsemen and Soldiers
Battle between Horsemen and Soldiers

Philips Wouwerman A Stable with Three Horses
A Stable with Three Horses
c. 1656