Peter Paul Rubens

Tiberius and Agrippina

Peter Paul Rubens - Tiberius and Agrippina

Peter Paul Rubens
Tiberius and Agrippina
c. 1614
66.6 x 57.1 cm
Oil on wood
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Andrew W. Mellon Fund


Collection catalogues
John Walker, National Gallery of Art, Washington, New York, 1995, nr. 321


F. van Bredael
purchased 1710 by Prince Johann Adam Andreas of Liechtenstein (1657-1712), Vienna
Princes of Liechtenstein, Vienna, Austria, and Vaduz, Liechstenstein
purchased 25 October 1963 through Feilchenfeldt, Zurich by NGA

Other works by Peter Paul Rubens

Peter Paul Rubens Lycaon

Peter Paul Rubens Dance of the Villagers
Dance of the Villagers
c. 1636

Peter Paul Rubens Isabella Brant
Isabella Brant
c. 1618-20

Peter Paul Rubens The Lamentation
The Lamentation

Peter Paul Rubens A satyr holding a basket of grapes and quinces with a nymph
A satyr holding a basket of grapes and quinces with a nymph