Francisco Goya

Self-Portrait with Dr. Arrieta

Francisco Goya - Self-Portrait with Dr. Arrieta

Francisco Goya
Self-Portrait with Dr. Arrieta
115.7 x 79.1 cm
Oil on canvas
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis
The Ethel Morrison Van Derlip Fund


2006 Goya's Last Works, Nr. 3

Other works by Francisco Goya

Francisco Goya Sketch for Maria Teresa de Vallabriga on Horseback
Sketch for Maria Teresa de Vallabriga on Horseback

Francisco Goya Friar Pedro Shoots El Maragato as his Horse Runs off
Friar Pedro Shoots El Maragato as his Horse Runs off

Francisco Goya Sketch for The Hermitage of San Isidro
Sketch for The Hermitage of San Isidro

Francisco Goya Friar Pedro Wrests the Gun from El Maragato
Friar Pedro Wrests the Gun from El Maragato

Francisco Goya The Picnic
The Picnic