Domenicus van Tol

Saleswoman in the general store

Domenicus van Tol - Saleswoman in the general store

Domenicus van Tol
Saleswoman in the general store
48.9 x 36.9 cm
Oil on wood
Staatliches Museum, Schwerin


Collection catalogues
Gero Seelig, Die holländische Genremalerei in Schwerin, Petersberg, 2010, p. 219

Other works by Domenicus van Tol

Domenicus van Tol A Mother giving her Child the Breast
A Mother giving her Child the Breast
1660 - 1676

Domenicus van Tol Interior with a man reading and a woman spinning yarn
Interior with a man reading and a woman spinning yarn
1660 - 1676

Dominicus van Tol An old Woman Winding Yarn
An old Woman Winding Yarn

Dominicus van Tol Writing hermit
Writing hermit

Dominicus van Tol Lacemaker