Anthony van Dyck

Portrait of a Flemish lady

Anthony van Dyck - Portrait of a Flemish lady

Anthony van Dyck
Portrait of a Flemish lady
123 x 90 cm
Oil on canvas
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Andrew W. Mellon Collection

Related works


Anthony van Dyck - Portrait of a Young Man
Anthony van Dyck
Portrait of a Young Man


Catalogues raisonnés
Barnes I.123 info

Collection catalogues
John Walker, National Gallery of Art, Washington, New York, 1995, nr. 326


Pierre Crozat (1665-1740), Paris
by inheritance to his nephews, first to Louis-François Crozat, marquis du Châtel (1691-1750), Paris, and then (on Louis-François' death without a male heir) to Louis-Antoine Crozat, baron de Thiers (1699-1770), Paris
the latter's heirs
purchased 1772, through Denis Diderot (1713-1784) as an intermediary, by Catherine II, empress of Russia (1729-1796), for the Imperial Hermitage Gallery, Saint Petersburg
purchased between June 1930 and April 1931 through Matthiesen Gallery, Berlin, P. & D. Colnaghi & Co., London, and M. Knoedler & Co., New York by Andrew W. Mellon, Pittsburgh and Washington, D.C.
his estate
deeded 8 March 1938 to The A.W. Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust, Pittsburgh
gift 1940 to NGA

Other works by Anthony van Dyck

Anthony van Dyck Portrait of a Seventy-Year-Old Man
Portrait of a Seventy-Year-Old Man

Anthony van Dyck Man with a Bow and a Sheaf of Arrows
Man with a Bow and a Sheaf of Arrows
c. 1618-20

Anthony van Dyck (?) Simon
after 1629

Anthony van Dyck Paris

Anthony van Dyck St Peter
St Peter