Vincent van Gogh

La Berceuse

Vincent van Gogh - La Berceuse

Vincent van Gogh
La Berceuse
93 x 73 cm
Oil on canvas
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago


Catalogues raisonnés
F 506
JH 1670

Ingo F. Walther, Rainer Metzger, Vincent van Gogh, Köln, 1993, p. 481
Louis van Tilborgh, Teio Meedendorp, Ella Hendriks, Don H. Johnson, C. Richard Johnson Jr and Robert G. Erdmann, Weave matching and dating of Van Gogh's paintings: an interdisciplinary approach in Burlington Magazine, 1307, 2012 pp. 112-122, fig. 26
Eliza E. Rathbone, William H. Robinson, Elizabeth Steele, and Marcia Steele, Van Gogh repetitions, New Haven; Washington, D.C., 2013, fig. 66 (X-radiograph)
Richard Kendall, Sjraar van Heugten, Chris Stolwijk, Van Gogh and nature, Williamstown, Massachusetts; New Haven, Connecticut, 2015, fig. 128
Sjraar van Heugten en Helewise Berger, Van Goghs intimi, Zwolle, 2019, fig. 75


2013 Van Gogh Repetitions, Nr. 24

External links

Art Institute Chicago Accession number 27949

Other works by Vincent van Gogh

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The Arlésienne, Mme Ginoux in Light-Colored Dress and with Cream-Colored Background

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