Copy after Pieter Bruegel the Elder

Mule caravan on a hillside

Copy after Pieter Bruegel the Elder - Mule caravan on a hillside

Copy after Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Mule caravan on a hillside
217 x 302 mm
Staatliche Graphiche Sammlung, Munich

Related works

Copy of:

Pieter Bruegel the Elder - Mule caravan on a hillside
Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Mule caravan on a hillside


Mielke 5a

Other works by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

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Hills with a valley

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The painter and his client

Copy after Pieter Bruegel the Elder Painter

Pieter Bruegel the Elder (?) Landscape with exotic animals
Landscape with exotic animals

Pieter Bruegel the Elder River landscape with village
River landscape with village
c. 1556