Francisco Goya - Nude Maja

Francisco Goya
Nude Maja
c. 1795-1800
97 x 190 cm
Oil on canvas
Museo del Prado, Madrid


Collection catalogues
Santiago Alcolea Blanch, The Prado Museum, Barcelona, 2008, fig. 105

Janis A. Tomlinson, Goya in the Twilight of Enlightenment, New Haven and London, 1992, plate 20
Gary Tinterow and Geneviève Lacambre, Manet/Velazquez, New York, New Haven, 2003, fig. 14.22


2001 Goya - Images of Women, Nr. 54


1800, seen by González de Sepúlveda in the "secret study" of the Godoy palace, Madrid
1808 removed and placed in the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando
1814, seized by the inquisition
1836, returned to the Academy
1900, Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid

Other works by Francisco Goya

Francisco Goya Yard with Lunatics
Yard with Lunatics

Francisco Goya A Seated Majo and Maja
A Seated Majo and Maja

Francisco Goya Interior of a Prison
Interior of a Prison

Francisco Goya The Death of St. Francis Xavier
The Death of St. Francis Xavier

Francisco Goya 'La Beata' with Luis de Berganza and Maria de la Luz
'La Beata' with Luis de Berganza and Maria de la Luz