Paul Cézanne

Montagne Sainte-Victoire and the Château Noir

Paul Cézanne - Montagne Sainte-Victoire and the Château Noir

Paul Cézanne
Montagne Sainte-Victoire and the Château Noir
c. 1900-02
Oil on canvas
Bridgestone Museum of Art, Tokyo


Catalogues raisonnés
R 939

Philip Conisbee and Denis Coutagne, Cézanne in Provence, Washington; Aix-en-Provence; Paris; New Haven, 2006, p. 198, fig. 11

Other works by Paul Cezanne

Paul Cézanne Bathers at Rest
Bathers at Rest

Paul Cézanne Red roofs at L'Estaque
Red roofs at L'Estaque
c. 1883-85

Paul Cézanne Still Life
Still Life

Paul Cézanne Melting snow at L'Estaque
Melting snow at L'Estaque
c. 1870

Paul Cézanne Man with crossed arms
Man with crossed arms