Francisco Goya

Bandits Shooting Male Prisoners

Francisco Goya - Bandits Shooting Male Prisoners

Francisco Goya
Bandits Shooting Male Prisoners
41.4 x 31.6 cm
Oil on canvas
Marques de la Romana Collection, Madrid

Other works by Francisco Goya

Francisco Goya Spring

Francisco Goya Condesa de Altamira and Her Daughter, Maria Agustina
Condesa de Altamira and Her Daughter, Maria Agustina

Francisco Goya Antonia Zárate
Antonia Zárate

Francisco Goya The Countess of Chinchón
The Countess of Chinchón

Francisco Goya Sketch fot The Appearance of the Virgin of the Pillar to St James the Great
Sketch fot The Appearance of the Virgin of the Pillar to St James the Great