Jacob de Wet

Salomon's Idolatry

Jacob de Wet - Salomon's Idolatry

Jacob de Wet
Salomon's Idolatry
52 x 41 cm
Oil on panel
Formerly with Henri Klotz, Cannes


Catalogues raisonnés
Werner Sumowski, Gemälde der Rembrandt-Schüler IV, Landau/Pfalz, 1989, nr. 1877

Other works by Jacob de Wet

Attributed to Jacob de Wet Moses Striking the Rock
Moses Striking the Rock

Jacob de Wet Christ Blessing the Children
Christ Blessing the Children

Jacob de Wet The Holy Women at Christ's Tomb
The Holy Women at Christ's Tomb

Jacob de Wet Diogenes Trying to Find an Honest Man
Diogenes Trying to Find an Honest Man

Attributed to Jacob de Wet River view
River view
1640 - 1674