Francisco Goya

The Disasters of War, No. 15: And It Can't Be Helped. Workproof

Francisco Goya - The Disasters of War, No. 15: And It Can't Be Helped. Workproof

Francisco Goya
The Disasters of War, No. 15: And It Can't Be Helped. Workproof
c. 1810-11
142 x 168 mm
Etching, drypoint, and burin
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Harris Brisbane Dick Fund


Gary Tinterow and Geneviève Lacambre, Manet/Velazquez, New York, New Haven, 2003, fig. 5.12

Other works by Francisco Goya

Francisco Goya Two of a Kind
Two of a Kind

Francisco Goya Gone for Good
Gone for Good

Francisco Goya And They Are Wild Beasts (Working proof)
And They Are Wild Beasts (Working proof)

Francisco Goya Sur Folly
Sur Folly
c. 1816-1819

Francisco Goya Baltasar Carlos, Prince of Spain
Baltasar Carlos, Prince of Spain