Jan Asselijn

Shepherds near a Ruin

Jan Asselijn - Shepherds near a Ruin

Jan Asselijn
Shepherds near a Ruin
63 x 56 cm
Oil on canvas
Staatliches Museum, Schwerin


Collection catalogues
Gero Seelig, Die holländische Genremalerei in Schwerin, Petersberg, 2010, pp. 54-55

Other works by Jan Asselijn

Jan Asselijn Cavalry Charge at Sunset
Cavalry Charge at Sunset

Jan Asselijn Southern Landscape
Southern Landscape

Jan Asselijn Muleteers beside an Italian Ruin
Muleteers beside an Italian Ruin
c. 1650

Jan Asselijn Herders with Their Animals under an Arch of the Colosseum in Rome
Herders with Their Animals under an Arch of the Colosseum in Rome

Jan Asselijn Landscape with a Stone Bridge
Landscape with a Stone Bridge