Edouard Manet

Eva Gonzalès

Edouard Manet - Eva Gonzalès

Edouard Manet
Eva Gonzalès
191.1 x 133.4 cm
Oil on canvas
The National Gallery, London


Catalogues raisonnés
RW 154

Collection catalogues
Christopher Baker and Tom Henry, The National Gallery complete illustrated catalogue, London, 2001, p. 405

Kathleen Adler and Tamar Garb, Berthe Morisot, Ithaca, N.Y., 1987, fig. 12
Sidsel Maria Søndergaard (ed.), Women in Impressionism, Milano, 2006, fig. 92
Ann Dumas (ed.), Inspiring Impressionism, Denver-New Haven, 2007, fig. 106
Bernhard Echte, Walter Feilchenfeldt, Kunstsalon Bruno & Paul Cassirer, 2011, p. 52

External links

National Gallery, London Accession number NG3259

Other works by Edouard Manet

Edouard Manet Fishing
c. 1862-63

Edouard Manet Mademoiselle Isabelle Lemonnier
Mademoiselle Isabelle Lemonnier
c. 1879-82

Edouard Manet A King Charles spaniel
A King Charles spaniel
c. 1866

Edouard Manet The Bugler
The Bugler

Edouard Manet Boating