Vincent van Gogh

Olive Trees

Vincent van Gogh - Olive Trees

Vincent van Gogh
Olive Trees
480 x 600 mm
Pencil, quill pen and reed pen and brown and black ink
Musée de Tournai


Catalogues raisonnés
JH Add. 3

Douglas W. Druick and Peter Kort Zegers, Van Gogh and Gauguin, Chicago, New York, 2001, p. 124, fig. 46


2005 Vincent van Gogh: The Drawings, Nr. 82
1990 Vincent van Gogh: Drawings, Nr. 185


Sent by the artist to Theo van Gogh (d. 1891), Paris, ca. July 13, 1888
his widow, Johanna van Gogh-Bonger, 1891
sold by her to Octave Maus for Henri van Cutsem (d. 1904), Brussels, March 21, 1891
his bequest to the city of Tournai, 1904
transferred to the newly built Musée des Beaux-Arts, Tournai, 1928

Other works by Vincent van Gogh

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Sien with Cigar Sitting on the Floor near Stove

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Nursery on Schenkweg

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Drawbridge with Road

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Street with People Walking and a Horsecar near the Ramparts of Paris

Vincent van Gogh Trees with Ivy
Trees with Ivy