John Singleton Copley - Jeremiah Lee

John Singleton Copley
Jeremiah Lee
241.3 x 149.9 cm
Oil on bed ticking
Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford
The Ella Gallup Sumner and Mary Catlin Sumner Collection Fund


Collection catalogues
Elizabeth Mankin Kornhauser, American paintings before 1945 in the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford; New Haven, 1996, nr. 144

Other works by John Singleton Copley

John Singleton Copley Samuel Relating to Eli the Judgements of God upon Eli's House
Samuel Relating to Eli the Judgements of God upon Eli's House

John Singleton Copley Portrait of a Lady (Mrs. Seymour Fort)
Portrait of a Lady (Mrs. Seymour Fort)
c. 1780

John Singleton Copley The Copley Family
The Copley Family

John Singleton Copley Jane Browne
Jane Browne

John Singleton Copley Colonel Fitch and His Sisters
Colonel Fitch and His Sisters