Paul Cézanne

Boy in a Red Vest

Paul Cézanne - Boy in a Red Vest

Sitter is Michelangelo di Rosa, a professional model. Cézanne portrayed him four times, two paintings and two watercolours.

Paul Cézanne
Boy in a Red Vest
65.7 x 54.7 cm
Oil on canvas
Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia


Catalogues raisonnés
R 656

Collection catalogues
Great French paintings from the Barnes Foundation, New York, 1993, pp. 114-117
Neil L. Rudenstine, The house of Barnes, Philadelphia, 2012, plate 2
André Dombrowski, Nancy Ireson, and Sylvie Patry (eds.), Cézanne in the Barnes Foundation, New York, 2021, nr. 39

External links

Barnes Foundation Accession number BF20

Other works by Paul Cezanne

Paul Cézanne Preparation for the Funeral, or The autopsy
Preparation for the Funeral, or The autopsy

Paul Cezanne Forest scene
Forest scene

Paul Cézanne The Bibémus Quarry
The Bibémus Quarry
c. 1895

Paul Cézanne Paul Alexis reading at Zola's house
Paul Alexis reading at Zola's house

Paul Cezanne The Negro Scipio
The Negro Scipio
c. 1867