Francisco Goya

Unbridled Folly (Posthumous trial proof)

Francisco Goya - Unbridled Folly (Posthumous trial proof)

Francisco Goya
Unbridled Folly (Posthumous trial proof)
c. 1816-1819
245 x 357 mm
Etching, burnished aquatint, and drypoint
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Rosenwald Collection


2001 Goya - Images of Women, Nr. 126

Other works by Francisco Goya

Francisco Goya If He Broke the Pitcher
If He Broke the Pitcher

Francisco Goya Bravo toro
Bravo toro

Francisco Goya They Do Not Want To (Working proof)
They Do Not Want To (Working proof)

Francisco Goya Where Is Mother Going?
Where Is Mother Going?

Francisco Goya The Disasters of War, No. 37: This Is Worse
The Disasters of War, No. 37: This Is Worse
c. 1812-14