Francisco Goya

The Marchioness of Santa Cruz

Francisco Goya - The Marchioness of Santa Cruz

Francisco Goya
The Marchioness of Santa Cruz
124.7 x 207.9 cm
Oil on canvas
Museo del Prado, Madrid


2001 Goya - Images of Women, Nr. 40


from its creation until 1941 in possession of the heirs of the marchioness of Santa Clara
from 1941, Bilbao, collection Félix Fernández Valdès
1980, his daughter
1983, sold in Madrid to Antonio Saorin Bosch, who took it out of Spain
1985, Lord Wimborne attemps to auction the painting in London, but auction is prohibited by court, due to its illegal export
1986, the Spanish government compensates the owner and the painting enters the Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid

Other works by Francisco Goya

Francisco Goya Bullfight: Suerte de vara
Bullfight: Suerte de vara

Francisco Goya The Marchioness of Villafranca Painting Her Husband
The Marchioness of Villafranca Painting Her Husband

Francisco Goya The Rendezvous
The Rendezvous

Francisco Goya Boy on a Ram
Boy on a Ram

Francisco Goya Sleep
c. 1798-1808