Eugenio Lucas Velásquez - The Victim

Formerly attributed to Francisco Goya

Eugenio Lucas Velásquez
The Victim
after 1840?
22 x 32 cm
Oil on tinplate
Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie, Besançon


Gary Tinterow and Geneviève Lacambre, Manet/Velazquez, New York, New Haven, 2003, fig. 2.40

Other works by Eugenio Lucas Velazquez

Eugenio Lucas Velázquez Majo and Maja
Majo and Maja

Eugenio Lucas Velázquez Goring at a Village Bullfight
Goring at a Village Bullfight

Eugenio Lucas Velásquez The Fight
The Fight
after 1840?

Eugenio Lucas Velazquez? Bullfight in a Divided Ring
Bullfight in a Divided Ring
after 1828?

Eugenio Lucas Velazquez? City on a Rock
City on a Rock
19th century