Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps

Eastern Women at a Well

Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps - Eastern Women at a Well

Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps
Eastern Women at a Well
34 x 42 cm (oval)
Oil on canvas
Wallace Collection, London


Stephen Duffy and Jo Hedley, The Wallace Collection's Pictures, London, 2004, p. 103

Other works by Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps

Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps Fording a River
Fording a River

Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps Asses resting: a Turkish Scene
Asses resting: a Turkish Scene

Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps Joseph sold by his Brethren
Joseph sold by his Brethren

Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps The Turkish Patrol
The Turkish Patrol

Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps Christ at the Praetorium
Christ at the Praetorium