Willem de Poorter

The parable of the talents or minas

Willem de Poorter - The parable of the talents or minas

Willem de Poorter
The parable of the talents or minas
45 x 55 cm
Oil on panel
Narodni Galerie, Prague


Catalogues raisonnés
Werner Sumowski, Gemälde der Rembrandt-Schüler IV, Landau/Pfalz, 1989, nr. 1607

Other works by Willem de Poorter

Willem de Poorter The Martyrdom of St Laurence
The Martyrdom of St Laurence
late 1640s

Willem de Poorter Artemisia

Willem de Poorter The idolatry of King Solomon
The idolatry of King Solomon

Willem de Poorter Pantheia and Kyros with the Body of Abradates
Pantheia and Kyros with the Body of Abradates

Willem de Poorter The Idolatry of Solomon
The Idolatry of Solomon
c. 1645