Paul Cézanne

The artist's father reading "L'Événement"

Paul Cézanne - The artist's father reading

Paul Cézanne
The artist's father reading "L'Événement"
198.5 x 119.3 cm
Oil on canvas
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon


Catalogues raisonnés
R 101

Collection catalogues
John Walker, National Gallery of Art, Washington, New York, 1995, nr. 743

Joachim Pissarro, Pioneering modern painting, New York/London, 2005, fig. 23
André Dombrowski, Nancy Ireson, and Sylvie Patry (eds.), Cézanne in the Barnes Foundation, New York, 2021, p. 23, fig. 7


With Ambroise Vollard (1867-1939), Paris
Auguste Pellerin (1952-1929), Paris
by inheritance to René Lecomte, Paris
Lecomte family collection
Mme. Louis de Chaisemartin, née Germaine Charlotte Lecomte
sold 1970 through Hector Brame, Paris to NGA

External links

National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. Accession number 1970.5.1

Other works by Paul Cezanne

Paul Cézanne Chrysanthemums

Paul Cézanne Three skulls on a oriental rug
Three skulls on a oriental rug

Paul Cézanne Antony Valabrègue
Antony Valabrègue

Paul Cézanne House and tree, L'Hermitage
House and tree, L'Hermitage
c. 1874

Paul Cézanne Still life: Green pot and pewter jug
Still life: Green pot and pewter jug