Circle of Jacques-Louis David

Portrait of a young woman in white

Circle of Jacques-Louis David - Portrait of a young woman in white

Circle of Jacques-Louis David
Portrait of a young woman in white
early 19th century
125.4 x 95.2 cm
Oil on canvas
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Chester Dale Collection


Collection catalogues
John Walker, National Gallery of Art, Washington, New York, 1995, nr. 595

Yuriko Jackall et al., America collects eighteenth-century French painting, Washington; London, 2017, p. 104, fig. 2


with Gimpel & Wildenstein, Paris
sold 1914 to Louisine Waldron Elder, later Mrs. Henry Osborne Havemeyer (1855-1929)
her estate sale, American Art Association, New York, 10 April 1930, nr. 79
Chester Dale (1883-1962), New York
bequest 1963 to NGA

External links

National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. Accession number 1963.10.118

Other works by Jacques-Louis David

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Napoleon in his study

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View of the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris

Jacques-Louis David Portrait of Laure-Émilie-Félicité David, Baronne Meunier
Portrait of Laure-Émilie-Félicité David, Baronne Meunier
c. 1812