
Samson and Delilah

Rembrandt - Samson and Delilah

Samson and Delilah
c. 1642-43
181 x 227 mm
Pen and bistre, wash; the two warriors covered with white
Groninger Museum, Groningen
C. Hofstede de Groot Bequest


Catalogues raisonnés
Benesch 530

Collection catalogues
J. Bolten, Dutch drawings from the collection of Dr. Hofstede de Groot, Utrecht, 1967, nr. 60 info


Sale Argoutinsky, Amsterdam, 12 December 1922, nr. 1903
collection Hofstede de Groot
bequest to Groninger Museum voor Stad en Lande

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt Outskirts of a Town
Outskirts of a Town
c. 1627-28

Rembrandt St. Jerome in Prayer
St. Jerome in Prayer
c. 1632-33

Rembrandt Seated Man in a High Cap
Seated Man in a High Cap
c. 1629

Rembrandt Three Women and a Child
Three Women and a Child
c. 1645

Rembrandt Old Man in a High Cap
Old Man in a High Cap