Painted for the sitters' father, David Monro Binning (1776-1843), Argaty and Softlaw, Perthshire, Scotland
by inheritance to the elder son in the picture, George Home Monro Binning Home (1804-1884), Argaty
by inheritance to his grand-nephew, Dr. George Home Monro-Home (born 1865), Argaty
sale, Christie, Manson & Woods, London, 3 May 1902, nr. 97
Thos. Agnew & Sons, London
sold 1902 to
M. Knoedler & Co., London
purchased by John Woodruff Simpson (1850-1920), New York
by inheritance to his wife, Mrs. John W. Simpson (née Katherine Seney, died 1943), New York
gift 1942 to NGA