Andrea Mantegna

Madonna of Victory

Andrea Mantegna - Madonna of Victory

Andrea Mantegna
Madonna of Victory
280 x 166 cm
Louvre, Paris


Jeanne Nuechterlein, Translating Nature into Art, University Park, 2011, fig. 59

External links

Louvre Accession number INV 369 ; MR 337

Other works by Andrea Mantegna

Andrea Mantegna The Death of the Virgin
The Death of the Virgin

Andrea Mantegna The Triumph of Caesar
The Triumph of Caesar
c. 1484-92

Andrea Mantegna The Triumph of Caesar
The Triumph of Caesar
c. 1500-06

Andrea Mantegna The Holy Family
The Holy Family
c. 1495/1500

Andrea Mantegna Pallas and the Vices
Pallas and the Vices
c. 1500-02