Philips Wouwerman

Coming Out of an Inn

Philips Wouwerman - Coming Out of an Inn

Philips Wouwerman
Coming Out of an Inn
37 x 47 cm
Oil on canvas
Museo del Prado, Madrid


Santiago Alcolea Blanch, The Prado Museum, Barcelona, 2008, fig. 253

Other works by Philips Wouwerman

Philips Wouwermans A White Horse, and an Old Man binding Faggots
A White Horse, and an Old Man binding Faggots

Philips Wouwerman The Annunciation to the shepherds
The Annunciation to the shepherds

Philips Wouwerman The blacksmith's shop
The blacksmith's shop
late 1640s

Ascribed to Philips Wouwermans Cavalry attacking Infantry
Cavalry attacking Infantry

Philips Wouwerman Cavalry halted at a sutler's tent
Cavalry halted at a sutler's tent