
Isaac Blessing Jacob

Rembrandt - Isaac Blessing Jacob

Isaac Blessing Jacob
c. 1640-42
125 x 174 mm
Pen and bistre, wash, some white bodycolour
Groninger Museum, Groningen
C. Hofstede de Groot Bequest


Catalogues raisonnés
Benesch 508

Collection catalogues
J. Bolten, Dutch drawings from the collection of Dr. Hofstede de Groot, Utrecht, 1967, nr. 59 info


Collection Barnard
collection Reynolds
collection Lawrence, 1835
sale Esdaile, London, Christie's, 18 May 1840, nr. 47 (Lugt 15865)
sale Woodburn, London, Christie's, 4 June 1860, nr. 778 (Lugt 25634)
with Colnaghi
sale London, 20 July 1914, nr. 44
sale Hilgrove Cox, London, 8 March 1922, nr. 62
with Hollandsche Kunsthandel, Amsterdam, 1923
collection Hofstede de Groot
bequest to Groninger Museum voor Stad en Lande

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt A Woman in a Rich Dress with Plumed Cap
A Woman in a Rich Dress with Plumed Cap
c. 1636

Rembrandt A Woman with a Child Frightened by a Dog
A Woman with a Child Frightened by a Dog

Rembrandt Standing Oriental in a Long Robe and Mantle
Standing Oriental in a Long Robe and Mantle
c. 1629

Rembrandt Head of an Oriental in a Turban
Head of an Oriental in a Turban
c. 1637

Rembrandt Joseph Lifted from the Pit by His Brethren
Joseph Lifted from the Pit by His Brethren
c. 1639