Anonymous Rembrandt pupil and Rembrandt

The Departure of Benjamin for Egypt

Anonymous Rembrandt pupil and Rembrandt - The Departure of Benjamin for Egypt

Anonymous Rembrandt pupil and Rembrandt
The Departure of Benjamin for Egypt
190 x 290 mm
Pen and bistre, wash, corrections with white body-colour
Teylers Museum, Haarlem


Benesch 856

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt The Bend of the Amstel River
The Bend of the Amstel River
c. 1649-50

Rembrandt The Holy Family in the Carpenter's Workshop
The Holy Family in the Carpenter's Workshop
c. 1645

Rembrandt Two Studies for a Visitation
Two Studies for a Visitation
c. 1656-57

Rembrandt Job, His Wife, and His Friends
Job, His Wife, and His Friends
c. 1655

Rembrandt High Priest
High Priest
c. 1635