
Study of a Seated Beggar Woman

Rembrandt - Study of a Seated Beggar Woman

Study of a Seated Beggar Woman
c. 1638-40
80 x 109 mm
Pen and bistre
Formerly Stephan von Kuffner Collection, Vienna


Catalogues raisonnés
Benesch 388
Schatborn D89

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt Entrance of a cottage with a draw-well
Entrance of a cottage with a draw-well

Rembrandt A Thatched Cottage
A Thatched Cottage
c. 1652

Rembrandt An Estate Amidst Trees
An Estate Amidst Trees
c. 1640-41

Rembrandt The Angel Appearing to St. Joseph in His Dream
The Angel Appearing to St. Joseph in His Dream
c. 1652

Rembrandt Tobias and Sarah Guided by the Angel
Tobias and Sarah Guided by the Angel
c. 1654-44