Gustav Klimt

Seated Woman in Armchair

Gustav Klimt - Seated Woman in Armchair

Gustav Klimt
Seated Woman in Armchair
c. 1913
563 x 373 mm
Pencil and white chalk
Private collection


Strobl 2441

Other works by Gustav Klimt

Gustav Klimt Drawing for the Dining Room Frieze of the Palais Stoclet, Brussels
Drawing for the Dining Room Frieze of the Palais Stoclet, Brussels

Gustav Klimt Embracing Lesbians
Embracing Lesbians
c. 1903-04

Gustav Klimt Reclining Nude
Reclining Nude
c. 1913

Gustav Klimt Reclining Male Nude
Reclining Male Nude

Gustav Klimt Lesbian Lovers
Lesbian Lovers