
Study of the Bust of a Roman Emperor

Rembrandt - Study of the Bust of a Roman Emperor

Study of the Bust of a Roman Emperor
c. 1638-39
118 x 73 mm
Pen and bistre
Library, Turin


Catalogues raisonnés
Benesch 452
Schatborn D672

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt The Quack
The Quack
late 1630s

Rembrandt Bust of a Man Wearing a Cap
Bust of a Man Wearing a Cap
c. 1637

Rembrandt Ahasuerus Receives Mordecai in the Presence of Esther
Ahasuerus Receives Mordecai in the Presence of Esther
c. 1648-50

Rembrandt The St. Anthoniessluis
The St. Anthoniessluis
c. 1651

Rembrandt Head of a Bearded Man in a Tall Hat
Head of a Bearded Man in a Tall Hat
c. 1633-34