Johann Koerbecke

The ascension

Johann Koerbecke - The ascension

Johann Koerbecke
The ascension
92.6 x 64.8 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Samuel H. Kress Collection


Collection catalogues
John Walker, National Gallery of Art, Washington, New York, 1995, nr. 153


Part of the high altar in the abbey church of the Cistercian Cloister at Marienfeld, near Münster, completed in 1456/1457, installed 6 February 1457, until 1803
Charles Léon Cardon, Brussels, by 1912
Rudolph Chillingworth, Lucerne, Brussels, and Nuremberg
sale, Galeries Fischer and Frederik Muller & Cie., Lucerne, 5 September 1922, nr. 47
acquired by Jacob Walter Zwicky (died 1956), Freiburg and Arlesheim-Basel
acquired 1955 by M. Knoedler & Co., New York
jointly owned with Pinakos, Inc. (Rudolph Heinemann), New York
purchased 1957 by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, New York
gift 1959 by exchange to NGA