British private collection, until 1895
with Bourgeois Frères, Cologne, in 1895
Baron Albert Oppenheim (1834-1912), Cologne, from 1895
purchased 1912 by
F. Kleinberger and Co., New York
sold 5 January 1916 to Michael Dreicer (1868-1921), New York
Dreicer bequest 1921 to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
returned 8 March 1933 to Michael Dreicer's widow, Maisie Dreicer Whyte (1889-1976, née Shainwald, from 1923 Mrs. Jardine Bell Whyte)
M. Knoedler & Co., New York
purchased February 1936 by The A.W. Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust, Pittsburgh
gift 1937 to NGA