
David Taking Leave of Jonathan

Rembrandt - David Taking Leave of Jonathan

David Taking Leave of Jonathan
c. 1643-44
180 x 235 mm
Pen and wash in bistre
Louvre, Paris
L. Bonnat Bequest


Benesch 552

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt Potiphar's Wife Accusing Joseph
Potiphar's Wife Accusing Joseph
c. 1640-42

Rembrandt The Healing of Tobit
The Healing of Tobit
c. 1642-44

Rembrandt Tobias Disembowelling the Fish, with the Angel
Tobias Disembowelling the Fish, with the Angel
c. 1646-47

Anonymous Rembrandt pupil and Rembrandt Lion Asleep
Lion Asleep
c. 1648-50

Rembrandt Abraham's Sacrifice
Abraham's Sacrifice
c. 1650