Anthony van Dyck

Study for Moses and the Brazen Serpent

Anthony van Dyck - Study for Moses and the Brazen Serpent

Anthony van Dyck
Study for Moses and the Brazen Serpent
c. 1618-20
241 x 202 mm
Pen and brown ink
The Morgan Library and Museum, New York
Thaw Collection

Related works


Anthony van Dyck - Study for Moses and the Brazen Serpent
Anthony van Dyck
Study for Moses and the Brazen Serpent
c. 1618-20

Study for:

Anthony van Dyck - Moses and the Brazen Serpent
Anthony van Dyck
Moses and the Brazen Serpent
c. 1618-20


2012 The Young Van Dyck, Nr. 22 verso

Other works by Anthony van Dyck

Anthony van Dyck Kneeling Man, Seen from the Back
Kneeling Man, Seen from the Back
c. 1618-20

Anthony van Dyck A Horse with a Stable-hand
A Horse with a Stable-hand
c. 1618

Anthony van Dyck (?) Copy after the so-called Homer Arundel
Copy after the so-called Homer Arundel

Anthony van Dyck A Dying Tree Trunk Covered with Brambles
A Dying Tree Trunk Covered with Brambles

Anthony van Dyck Woman with Outstretched Arm
Woman with Outstretched Arm
c. 1618-20