Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Dantis Amor

Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Dantis Amor
c. 1860
250 x 241 mm
Brown ink on paper
Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery
Presented by subscribers


2003 Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Nr. 46

Other works by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Dante Gabriel Rossetti The Roseleaf (Jane Morris)
The Roseleaf (Jane Morris)

Dante Gabriel Rossetti Study of Elizabeth Siddal for Beata Beatrix
Study of Elizabeth Siddal for Beata Beatrix

Dante Gabriel Rossetti Ulalume
c. 1848

Dante Gabriel Rossetti Elizabeth Siddal kneeling, playing a double pipe
Elizabeth Siddal kneeling, playing a double pipe

Dante Gabriel Rossetti The Duenna
The Duenna
c. 1850-52