Paolo Veronese

The Finding of Moses

Paolo Veronese - The Finding of Moses

Paolo Veronese
The Finding of Moses
50 x 43 cm
Oil on canvas
Museo del Prado, Madrid


Santiago Alcolea Blanch, The Prado Museum, Barcelona, 2008, fig. 162

Other works by Paolo Veronese

Paolo Veronese An Allegory of Navigation with a Cross-staff: Averroës
An Allegory of Navigation with a Cross-staff: Averroës

Paolo Veronese St. Jerome in the Wilderness
St. Jerome in the Wilderness
c. 1580

Paolo Veronese Iseppo da Porto and His Son Adriano
Iseppo da Porto and His Son Adriano
c. 1551

Paolo Veronese Agostino Barbarigo
Agostino Barbarigo
c. 1571-72

Paolo Veronese Coronation of Esther
Coronation of Esther
c. 1555-56