The sitter's grand-niece and heir, Henrietta Ramage Liston Foulis (died 1850), Millburn Tower, County Edinburgh, Scotland
her son, Sir James Liston Foulis, 9th baronet (1847-1895), Woodhall and Millburn Tower, County Edinburgh
his son, Sir William Liston Foulis, 10th baronet (1869-1918), Woodhall and Millburn Tower, County Edinburgh
P. & D. Colnaghi & Obach, London, on joint account with
M. Knoedler & Co., New York, 16 December 1919
sold April 1920 to Elbert H. Gary (1846-1927), New York
sale of his estate American Art Association, New York, 8 December 1934, nr. 385
bought by
Chester Dale (1883-1962), New York
gift 1960 to NGA