
Potiphar's Wife Accusing Joseph

Rembrandt - Potiphar's Wife Accusing Joseph

Potiphar's Wife Accusing Joseph
c. 1640-42
193 x 225 mm
Pen and wash
Formerly Grossherzogliches Museum, Oldenburg


Benesch 494

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt Shah Jahan
Shah Jahan
c. 1654-56

Rembrandt Two Actors in Dialogue
Two Actors in Dialogue
c. 1635

Rembrandt Farm-House Amidst Trees
Farm-House Amidst Trees
c. 1641

Rembrandt Bust of Andrea Doria
Bust of Andrea Doria

Rembrandt The Calumny of Apelles
The Calumny of Apelles
c. 1656