Anthony van Dyck

The Betrayal of Christ

Anthony van Dyck - The Betrayal of Christ

Anthony van Dyck
The Betrayal of Christ
c. 1620-21
141 x 113 cm
Oil on canvas
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis
The Ethel Morrison Van Derlip Fund, and the John R. Van Derlip Fund

Related works

Other version:

Anthony van Dyck - The Betrayal of Christ
Anthony van Dyck
The Betrayal of Christ
c. 1620-21


Barnes I.20 info


2012 The Young Van Dyck, Nr. 83


Lord Egremont
sold in 1896 to Sir Francis Cook (died 1901), Doughty House, Richmond
Sir Frederick Cook, Bt., Visconde de Monserrate, Richmond, by 1914
Sir Herbert Cook, Doughty House, Richmond, by 1932
Sir Francis Cook, Bt., by 1953-54
purchased through Rosenberg and Stiebel, New York, 1957

Other works by Anthony van Dyck

Anthony van Dyck The Adoration of the Shepherds
The Adoration of the Shepherds
c. 1616-17

Anthony van Dyck The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine
c. 1618-20

Anthony van Dyck The apostle Bartholomew
The apostle Bartholomew

Anthony van Dyck Resurrection of Christ
Resurrection of Christ

Anthony van Dyck Saint Sebastian Bound for Martyrdom
Saint Sebastian Bound for Martyrdom
c. 1620-21