Leonardo da Vinci

Saint Jerome

Leonardo da Vinci - Saint Jerome

Leonardo da Vinci
Saint Jerome
c. 1488-90
103 x 75 cm
Oil on walnut
Musei Vaticani, Vatican City


Charles Robertson, Leonardo da Vinci, London in Burlington Magazine, 1307, 2012 pp. 132-133, fig. 45

Other works by Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani ('The Lady with an Ermine')
Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani ('The Lady with an Ermine')
c. 1489-90

Leonardo da Vinci The Virgin of the Rocks
The Virgin of the Rocks
1483-c. 1485

Leonardo da Vinci Portrait of a Woman ('The Belle Ferronniere')
Portrait of a Woman ('The Belle Ferronniere')
c. 1493-94

Leonardo da Vinci Virgin and Child ('The Madonna Litta')
Virgin and Child ('The Madonna Litta')
c. 1491-95

Leonardo da Vinci The Virgin of the Rocks
The Virgin of the Rocks
c. 1491/2-99 and 1506-08