
Sarah Complaining of Hagar to Abraham

Rembrandt - Sarah Complaining of Hagar to Abraham

Sarah Complaining of Hagar to Abraham
c. 1643-44
189 x 303 mm
Pen and bistre, some white body-colour
Musée Bayonne
Collection L. Bonnat


Benesch 549

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt A Nurse and an Eating Child
A Nurse and an Eating Child
c. 1635

Rembrandt Manius Curius Dentatus Refuses the Gifts of the Samnites
Manius Curius Dentatus Refuses the Gifts of the Samnites
c. 1633-34

Rembrandt Seated Man with Long Hair, Hands Folded
Seated Man with Long Hair, Hands Folded
c. 1648

Rembrandt Esau Selling His Birthright to Jacob
Esau Selling His Birthright to Jacob
c. 1640

Rembrandt Sketch for the Two Figures Seated at a Table
Sketch for the Two Figures Seated at a Table
c. 1635