
An Artist in His Studio Painting a Man Seated

Rembrandt - An Artist in His Studio Painting a Man Seated

An Artist in His Studio Painting a Man Seated
c. 1648-49
150 x 190 mm
Pen and bistre
W.J. van Welderen Rengers, Leeuwarden


Benesch 754

Other works by Rembrandt

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The Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard
c. 1648-49

Rembrandt A Blind Beggar
A Blind Beggar
c. 1647-48

Rembrandt Cottages with a Cart
Cottages with a Cart
c. 1640-41

Rembrandt The Meeting of Jacob and Laban
The Meeting of Jacob and Laban
c. 1654-55

Rembrandt Woman Looking out of a Window
Woman Looking out of a Window
c. 1655-56