
Paul and Barnabas at Lystra

Rembrandt - Paul and Barnabas at Lystra

Paul and Barnabas at Lystra
c. 1637
295 x 443 mm
Red chalk
Musée Bayonne
Collection Bonnat


Catalogues raisonnés
Benesch 449
Schatborn D664

Christian Tico Seifert, Pieter Lastman, Petersberg, 2011, fig. 70

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt Study of a Seated Actor with Plumed Hat
Study of a Seated Actor with Plumed Hat
c. 1635

Rembrandt Sheet of Studies
Sheet of Studies
c. 1636

Rembrandt Seated Young Woman with a Baby
Seated Young Woman with a Baby
c. 1636

Rembrandt The Dismissal of Hagar
The Dismissal of Hagar
c. 1640-42

Rembrandt The Healing of Tobit
The Healing of Tobit
c. 1642-44