Leonardo da Vinci - Mona Lisa

Leonardo da Vinci
Mona Lisa
c. 1503-06
Oil on panel
Louvre, Paris


Hugo Chapman, Tom Henry, and Carol Plazzotta, Raphael, London, 2004, fig. 75
Stephen Calloway and Lynn Federle Orr (eds.), The Cult of Beauty, London, 2011, fig. 38
Luke Syson with Larry Keith, Leonardo da Vinci, London, 2011, fig. 32
Paul Schnabel, Anders gekeken, Zwolle, 2021, fig. 14

Other works by Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci and anonymous painter Virgin and Child ('The Madonna of the Yarnwinder')
Virgin and Child ('The Madonna of the Yarnwinder')
c. 1499 onwards

Leonardo da Vinci The Benois Madonna
The Benois Madonna
c. 1478

Leonardo da Vinci The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne
The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne

Leonardo da Vinci Portrait of Ginevra de' Benci
Portrait of Ginevra de' Benci
c. 1474/78

Leonardo da Vinci Saint John the Baptist
Saint John the Baptist
c. 1500 onwards